As bell ringers our central body encouraged us to ‘Ring for the King’ and on Saturday 6th May 2023, that is exactly what we did.
At St Andrew’s at 10.00am, 25 bell ringers gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion. Most of the ringers present could not remember the last coronation in 1953 and none were old enough to have rung for it.
Taking it in turns, we rang St Andrew’s bells for a full hour leading up to the Coronation service at Westminster Abbey at 11am. Everybody had the opportunity to ring from ‘Rounds to Kings’ which on ten bells would be changing from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 to 9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,8,10; a very musical combination.
We ended with 70 changes of Grandsire Triples, marking the 70 years between the coronations of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III.
The photograph below shows some of the ringers that took part in the morning ringing.

In the afternoon, a different team assembled to ring a full peal of Grandsire Caters on all 10 bells. The peal lasted for more than 3 hours and was a fitting way to celebrate the new King’s Coronation.
Full details are shown below along with a photograph of the ringers taking part.
Essex Association
St Andrew
Saturday, 6 May 2023 in 3hr 5min
5003 Grandsire Caters
James George
1 Andrew P Barham
2 Matthew E Rayner
3 Dylan J Thomas
4 Marianne R Hayward
5 Simon M Barnes
6 Lucas J Owen
7 Kye L Leaver
8 Roderic K Bickerton
9 Clive J Stephenson (C)
10 Dave J Capewell
Rung following the Coronation of H M King Charles III and Queen Camilla at Westminster Abbey earlier this day.
First peal for 26 years – 10.

On Sunday 7th May, the bells were rung before both of our services with a Coronation theme.
In the evening, a quarter peal slightly earlier than usual allowed two of our bell ringing choristers (Ethan & Hayden Musham) to ring and sing for the Coronation Evensong; an outstanding contribution to the life of St Andrew’s.
Quarter peal details are as follows:
St Andrew
Sunday, 7 May 2023
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Michelle A Stephenson
2 Julie A Bloomfield
3 Gavin S Carpenter
4 James Laken
5 Hayden R Musham
6 Anthony J Bloomfield
7 Clive J Stephenson (C)
8 Ethan J Musham
For Evensong celebrating the Coronation of H M King Charles III and Queen Camilla.
First inside on 8 – 5.
25th Quarter – 1.