Normally bell ringers perform for 5 to 10 minutes at a time and then stop to give their arms and brains a rest and give someone else a go. After a ringer has been learning for a few years, however, they can attempt a quarter peal which is at least 1250 changes (1250 rings or 1250 pulls) and takes about 45 minutes to complete. This is quite a big step and a big achievement, if successful.
On 1st May 2016, prior to the Memorial Evensong, Jacky Stockwell from St Andrew’s bell ringers, successfully completed her first quarter peal at the first attempt.
Jacky started to learn to ring about 3 years ago and has made good progress during that time showing regular commitment to practice nights and Sunday ringing.
Congratulations to Jacky from all her ringing friends!
Hornchurch, Essex
St Andrew
Sunday, 1 May 2016 (18–0–0 in E♭)1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1. Jacky A Stockwell
2. John W Stephenson
3. Paul J Bloomfield
4. Christopher C M Pain
5. Clive J Stephenson (C)
6. Philip H DentonRung prior to Memorial Evensong particularly remembering Peter Saddleton who rang at Hornchurch in the 1970’s and died on 18th April.
First Quarter Peal – treble
L-R: Philip Denton, Paul Bloomfield, John Stephenson, Jacky Stockwell (first quarter), Chris Pain, Clive Stephenson